The Out-Position team has experience and a track-record that you can leverage and catalyse for your category strategy and design.
We’ve “been there” both inside some of the biggest category design successes, as well as consulting and advising to external clients. We currently have resources across Australia, Singapore, USA, UK and Germany.
The Process
We work alongside you for this design-thinking process, from the problem clarity and category defined, to a powerful point of view. We then go even deeper and help you build the foundational components to make the category credible, and actionable.
Problem Deep Dive & Clarity
Category Name
Point of View
Category Blueprint & Ecosystem
Some of the Great Teams and
Companies we have worked with

Darryl Dickens
Darryl is a recognized Category Designer and is the Founder of Out-Position. He brings both in-house experience as well as a global client track-record and perspective.
Some career highlights include being part of two example companies featured in the Category Design focused book Play Bigger, as well as being part of some of IT’s largest acquisitions and outcomes.
He is passionate about working with innovators, rebels and disruptors who want to define and monetize problems and new Categories.
His current client work includes clients across USA, Israel, Germany, India, China, SE Asia and Australia.

The Out-Position Team
Out-Position has a global team and set of Partners based across Singapore, USA, Germany and Australia.
As a seasoned set of executives, their combined experience and perspective covers virtually any market, or sector, that a client may be in. Languages include English, Mandarin Chinese, Taiwanese dialect, and German.
The Out-Position team has experience and a track-record that you can leverage and catalyse for your category strategy and design.
Contact us
We work alongside you for this design-thinking process, from the problem clarity and category defined, to a powerful point of view.